Electronic Arts boss comments on Brutal Legend

News posted by Ryan on October 17th, 2008 at 7:06pm GMT

John RiccitielloWith Brutal Legend‘s fate still unclear and the game apparently without a publisher, speculation has been running amuck with people throwing names like MTV, EA, and even Gamecock into the list of publishers who might take the game on.

Keen to get some clarification on what the actual deal is, Gamasutra took the opportunity to slip a question about Brutal Legend into its recent interview with EA CEO John Riccitiello. The response:

“I have seen it. I am well aware of what the game is. It’s a very significant creative risk. Sometimes significant creative risks end up being some of the world’s best products. Spore was also a significant creative risk. So was The Sims. Portal, BioShock. But so was Grim Fandango.”

A number of other gaming sites have taken this as an acknowledgement that EA has looked into the game and isn’t prepared to publish it, particularly because of Riccitello’s use of the word ‘risk’. However, it is important to note that EA has a history of publishing ‘creative risks’, including the aforementioned Spore, The Sims, and Portal.

Unfortunately he also slips Grim Fandango in there, which although deservingly has almost legendary status as a high-quality game, didn’t really set the sales charts on fire. As such, his comment diplomatically leaves EA’s actual intentions regarding the game entirely unknown.

6 psychos have commented on this post
1. mott 13 years, 7 months ago

…then why take Tim Schafer on in the first place? he has a catalog of creative risks. what did EA expect? that he would want to work on Madden 09?

When thinking of industry acclaimed economically disatrous titles Okami also comes to mind but why are creators branded for pushing the envelope? aren’t publishers just as liable, if not more, for the games that don’t net them fat stacks of cash?

Schafer, you deserve better than EA. Let us know when you find someone else to birth your baby, we’ll wait till 2011.

2. Herminator 13 years, 7 months ago

Hey, I posted this in the forum first, I DEMAND CREDIT! XP

But yeah, copying my statement from there:
Completly agree with Kotaku (http://kotaku.com/5064667/ea-well-aware-of-brtal-legend-sees-it-as-significant-risk) here. It has recieved positive feedback from just about every video game media available!
It is obviously sales EA is worried about (see: Psychonauts), but if nothing else, they can at least sell on the fact that Jack Black and other stars are starring in it. C’mon publishers, get on the ball, we need this game!

3. Kroms 13 years, 7 months ago

"But….but they’re good now!" said the 14 year old.

4. Ryan BRUTAL! Staff 13 years, 7 months ago

Heh. :D

I did actually see it on several other sites first Herminator (I subscribe to loads in Google Reader), but thanks for posting it on the forums!

It’s worth bearing in mind that the order of what I’m likely to see first when I turn the computer on is email, Google Reader, forums. If you have a red hot tip, be sure to email it in so you can be credited! :)

5. Herminator 13 years, 7 months ago

It’s fine, I’ll be sure to do that the next time. :3

While I’m at it, the Gamers With Jobs podcast had an interview with Tim Schafer about comedy in games, and the writing process for Brutal Legend. It was really interesting to listen to. =)

[…] been a really long time since the whole publishing fiasco began, but we can finally release our breath as Activision Blizzard and Double Fine have settled their […]

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