‘Brutal Thoughts with Jack Black’ premieres

News posted by Ryan on May 21st, 2009 at 8:57pm GMT

'Brutal Thoughts with Jack Black' Episode 1: WorkoutElectronic Arts has launched a new series of webisodes featuring Jack Black, as well as other staple characters like Brutal Legend designer Tim Schafer. The first episode is now available in the ‘Videos’ section, and runs for about a minute and a half.

Although there’s no word on how many of these we can expect, chances are there’ll be a good few more before the game’s Rocktober release date. Alas there’s no footage of Brutal Legend itself buried in there, but at least you get to see Schafer!

You’ll also notice that the BRUTAL! video facilities have been changed somewhat. All videos are now hosted on the new BRUTAL! YouTube channel, where you can choose to watch the videos in various levels of quality ranging from ‘worst ever’ to wonderful HD. Be sure to subscribe if you have a YouTube account!

1 mosher has commented on this post
1. Mykal 12 years, 12 months ago

Seemed rather odd and out of place along with what looked like Jack’s stage hand.

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